Southern Pacific Region
California, Hawaii, and Nevada
Upcoming Events
The Faith We Sing: A Festival of Hymns and Anthems
January 24-26, 2025
Village Community Presbyterian Church
Rancho Santa Fe, California
4:00 pm
Join us as we sing beloved hymns and anthems with guest clinician Charles Frost. Charles Frost is a choir director organist based in South Carolina. Charles is the President of the Hymn Society of the United States and Canada and served on the Presbyterian Committee On Congregational Song which oversaw the development of the latest hymnal "Glory to God." Since retirement he has given recitals and led hymn sings throughout the country. This festival will be the culmination of a weekend of rehearsals, lecture, and worship.
Friday, January 24 | 7:00 PM | Interactive Hymn Workshop
This deep dive into Glory to God the most recent hymnal published by Westminster John Knox publishing will explore the divisions of the hymnal and the process used to select and assemble this wonderful collection of hymnody past and present. To fully appreciate the contents in Glory to God, we will sing a number of the hymns and songs included illustrating the variety of hymns, Praise and Worship songs, and songs from other cultures. We will also explore the resources available for the hymnal. Although this session focuses on Glory to God, it will be of interest to everyone who plans Worship supplying resources and ideas to enrich Worship services.
Saturday, January 25 | 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Rehearsal
Members of the Chancel Choir, Village Community Chorale, and more will rehearse under the direction of Mr. Frost. This festival choir will be performing anthems with brass and organ as part of Sunday's culminating event.
If you are interested in singing please contact Music Ministries Coordinator, Twyla Arant
Sunday, January 26 | 4:00 PM | Hymn Sing for the Community
All are invited to join us for an afternoon of hymns and anthems on Sunday, January 26 at 4:00 PM followed by a light reception.
For more information please contact Director of Worship, Juan Carlos Acosta at
Registration is not required for this event.
Patricia Martinez-Miller
Steering Committee