A joyful day of giving to benefit the Annual Fund.
Since its founding in 1970, PAM has been a place of connection. Over the years we have created beautiful things together - music, worship, learning, and relationships. We know it is the people who make PAM what it is. People, like you, who have offered their time and talents, vision and creativity, and financial support to furthering the mission of PAM in the world and in the church.
All Saints Day celebrates the joyful fellowship of all those who have passed on before. Those special friends who have encouraged us, formed us, and supported us in the faith. They are not forgotten. We celebrate with gratitude all that they mean to us, then and now.
PAM is made up of saints present and saints past. In this spirit, we invite you join us in PAM’s 3rd Annual All Saints Give to PAM online fundraising event on Friday, November 1st. On this joyful day, we honor not only those who have come before us, but those whose future we nourish and build in the present.

Eleven gracious donors have offered to match your gifts during All Saints Give to PAM. Each match goal reached will unlock a surprise musical piece. Click on the unlocked image below each challenge to listen!

To Donate
Donations made to the PAM Annual Fund will benefit All Saints Give to PAM challenges.
Give online by clicking the button above, or by mail to:
Presbyterian Association of Musicians
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Special thanks to Tim Mietty for the use of his All Saints artwork. Find out more about Tim at mietty-art.com.