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Where to Give

The Annual Fund supports the ongoing daily operations of PAM.  This includes, but is not limited to, the planning and coordination of the annual worship and music conferences, webinars, newsletters, mailings, web design, Call to Worship and many other membership benefits.


The Scholarship Fund annually provides scholarships to conference registrants with financial need. Funding a conference registrant is always a worthy venture as the content of all PAM conferences is rich in developmental techniques as well as fun with a supportive community to enliven the spirit.

The Dana Mitchell Fund was created in the hopes that this fund will grow and continue to underwrite the Conference Administrator position at the Worship & Music Conference, a position Dana served in for 28 years. PAM meant so much to Dana. It is fitting to honor her memory in this way. 

Become a PAM Sustainer today!

PAM Sustainers provide monthly financial support in order to faithfully equip worship leaders to effectively lead authentic worship, foster community and relationship among worship leaders, and increase transformative experiences with God through intentional diversity in leadership and style. Your monthly gift continues this good work! Just select "monthly" from the frequency drop down below and you too we be part of the PAM Sustainers network.

Make a Gift

Other Ways to Give

Cash or Check - Mail to Presbyterian Association of Musicians, 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY 40202

Donor Advised Fund - A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a centralized charitable account. It allows charitably-inclined individual, families and businesses to make tax-deductible charitable donations of cash, publicly-traded stock and in some case, certain illiquid assets, to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program. To donate by DAF, click here

Planned Giving - Give with a future gift made through your estate plans. For more information, click here

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