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PAM is incredibly grateful to the more than 500 individuals and institutions for their financial support of the Presbyterian Association of Musicians in 2023.
This continuous generosity sustains and ensures PAM's ministry for years to come.

Legend for Donor Listing
*PAM Sustainer: recognizes those who have made monthly recurring gifts to PAM's Annual Fund.
◊Directors and Staff: recognize current members of PAM's Board and staff.
❦ Legacy Giving Society: recognizes those who have committed to a Legacy Gift to PAM. 
𖤓 1970 Society: recognizes those who have given $19,700 to PAM.

Larry Abernathy 

Ella Abraham 

Kelly & Kirk Abraham *

Linda Abraham 

Joy & William Ackerman 

James Adams 

Kimber-lee Adams 

Maria Aggen 

Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava 

Anne Albert 

Debra Alford 

Mendy Alford 

James Allison 

Sarah Allred *

Beverly Alt 

Anthony Allen Amos, II 

Adam Anderson 

Jeanne Anderson 

Norma Andres 

Thomas Andrew 

Lee & Bob Ardell 

Melissa Atkinson 

Katie Aumann 

Kenneth Axelson, CCM

Margaret Aymer Oget 

Mary Baber Reed 

Michelle Bacon 

Will Banks 

John Allen Bankson, CCM *

Cindy & Bruce Barkley 

Kristine Bartelt 

Peter Bates 

Alicia Beam 

Henry Jolly & Michelle Bedell 

Debra Bendis 

Lisa Benitez 

BettyJo Bennett 

Patricia Berrett 

Helen Bishop 

Elizabeth Blair 

Thomas Bloom 

Katie Boardman 

Judy Bond 

Dan & Betsy Bone 

Camille Boone 

Mark Borst 

Kevin Bowers 

Pepe Bowman 

Zach Bowyer 

Steve Boyce 

William J. Bragwell 

William Breytspraak 

William Bridges 

David Brinson, CCM *

Edna Broadhurst 

Luke Browder *

Joni Brown 

Marshall Brown, CCM

Martha Rose Brown

Elisha Brownfield *

Sara Bryant 

Tara Bulger 

Matthew Bumbach 

Alan Bunn 

Lesley Bush 

John Butler Walthausen 

Matthew Byerly 

Jane Cain 

Kay Campbell *

Deborah Campbell Jordan 

Laura Carr 

Amy Cerniglia 

Colleen Chinen 

Katherine Clark 

Valerie Clayton 

Emily Clem 

Jeffrey Clouser 

Kimberly Coates 

Molly Collins

Sherri Collins 

Ellen & James Comstock 

Ken & Mary Jane Cooper 

Brant Copeland 

Jackie Copeland 

John & Tammy Copeland 

Martha Copeland 

Monika Cosson 

Nathan Crabtree 

Mitchell Crawford *

Gary & Sharon Cresse 

James Crockett 

Robert Cumming 

Charmaine Piane Dame 

Judith Dardaganian 

Brittany Darst 

Jared Daugherty 

Jean Davidson 

Bill Davis *

Phil & Mary Davis 

Kaitlyn & Nick Davros *

Judith DeFrank *

Elizabeth & Richard Deibert *

Michael Dell 

Lauren D'Imperio 

Jeannie Dixon 

Deborah Dobbins 

Elizabeth Dobson 

Dwight Dockery 

Wynn G. Dorsett 

Frederick Douglas 

Minnie Sue Douglas 

Elizabeth Doyle 

Anna Duke 

Landry Duvall *

Barbara Ector Manaker *

Joseph Smith & David Eicher, CCM *

Tonya Elkins 

Ann Elsenheimer 

Cheryl & Amanda England 

David Erwin 

Melissa Espy 

Clarissa Evans 

Tim Evers 

Diane Falk 

Jeff Farr 

Colleen Ferron 

Stephen & Vicki Fey, CCM *

Kate Fiedler 

David Finley 

Shari Fiore 

Karen Fisher 

Mary Margaret Flannagan *

Heather Flohr 

Emily Floyd, CCM 

James Foote 

Leah Fowler 

Kirsten Foyles *

Michael Paul Frank 

John Frazee, Jr 

Charles Freeman 

Miriam Frey 

Carl Fritsche 

Ashley Frizzo 

Vini Frizzo 

Charles Frost *

Paulette Fry 

David Gambrell 

Robert & Corise Gambrell 

Jacqueline & Raymond  Ganas 

Sally Gant 

John Gartrell 

Thomas Gerni 

Jean Gettys 

Annette Goard 

Ellen Golden 

Heather Goldman 

Robin Graham 

Tom Granum

Diane Griffith

Paul Griggsby 

Thomas Groehlich 


Thank you

to our Institutional Donors:

American Guild of Organists 

WNC Chapter 438

Asheville, North Carolina

Bayside Presbyterian Church

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Central Presbyterian Church

Atlanta, Georgia

Christ Presbyterian Church

Tallahassee, Florida

Community of Grace - A Presbyterian Church

Arvada, Colorado

Dick and Robin Kelly Foundation

Denver, Colorado

ECS Publishing Group

Fenton, Missouri

First Presbyterian Church

Ann Arbor, Michigan

First Presbyterian Church 

Dunedin, Florida

First Presbyterian Church 

Evansville, Indiana

First Presbyterian Church 

Fort Worth, Texas

First Presbyterian Church 

Greenville, North Carolina

First Presbyterian Church 

Hickory, North Carolina

First Presbyterian Church 

Lakeland, Florida

First Presbyterian Church

Lexington, Kentucky

First Presbyterian Church 

Marianna, Florida

First Presbyterian Church 

Shreveport, Louisiana

LarBea Management, LLC

Bryan, Texas

Myers Park Presbyterian Church

Charlotte, North Carolina

Northminster Presbyterian Church

Indianapolis, Indiana


Louisville, Kentucky

PC(USA) Office of Theology & Worship

Louisville, Kentucky

Peace Presbyterian Church

Lakewood Ranch, Florida

Presbyterian Mission Agency

Louisville, Kentucky

St. Philip Presbyterian Church

Houston, Texas

The Village Presbyterian Church

Prairie Village, Kansas

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Greenville, South Carolina

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

White Memorial Presbyterian Church

Raleigh, North Carolina

Elizabeth Gulley

Miriam Gurniak 

Meg Gurtcheff 

Diane Hader 

Barbara Hager 

Henry L. Hall *

Randi Harbin 

Vivian Hare 

Jakob Harmon 

Marlene Harrington 

Mary Alice Hart Meise 

Jamie Hawes 

Charles Michael Hawn 

Peggy Hawse 

Morgan & Robert Hay 

Carla Haynes 

Kerri Hefner *

Susan Hehn 

Karl Heimbuck 

Tom Heintzelman 

Michael Helman 

Robert & Mary Helsabeck 

Allyson Helvie 

Carol Henderson 

Ryon Herin 

Jasiel Hernandez Garcia 

Carol Herriage 

Susan Herrick 

Delia Herzog 

Sandra Hess 

Lisa Hester 

Andrew Hey 

Hank Hinnant 

William Hogan 

Kent Holmes, CCM

Betsy Homer 

Gregory Homza 

Eleanor & Roger Horne 

John Hovis 

Dana Hughes 

Melinda Hunt 

Kathlyn & Marlon Hurst, CCM

Jim Hutchinson 

Erin Jacobson 

Sommer Jandula 

Janice Jasperse 

Deborah & Timothy Jenks *

Autum Jennings 

Carlton Johnson 

Judy Johnson 

Kathryn Johnson 

Susan Johnson 

Victor Johnson 

Jennifer Jones 

Leigh Jones 

Rebecca Jones 

Mary Beth Jones, CCM 

Kathryn Jurado 

Mandy Keathley *

Mark Kemp *

Susan Young & Lewis Kidd 

John King 

Julie Klee 

Jack & Jill Klotz 

Lucia Kremzar 

Linda Kurtz Burch 

Deborah Kyser 

Francois Louis Lacroix 

John Bradford Langdon 

Janet Langhorst *

Barbara Larson 

William Lawrence 

David Lee 

Fredna Lee 

Mona Lee 

Brian Lew *

Jennifer Lewis 

Zach Light-Wells

Robin Lind

Becky Loftis

Janet Loman 

Bill Long 

Kimberly & Thomas Long, CCM

Linda & Bob Lovins 

David Lower 

Barbara Luhn *

Abigail Lutz *

Claudia Lynch 

Jeanette MacCallum 

Robin MacIntyre 

Margaret & Raymond MacKay 

Lori Malvern 

Sheila Mann 

Donna Martel 

Mary Martin 

Jaime Martinez *

Patricia Martinez-Miller *

David McCollum 

William T. McConnell 

William McCorkle 

Everett McCorvey 

Louise McCoy 

Melissa McCrosky *

Carol McDonald 

Sandra McDonald *

Sophia McDuffie 

Margaret McGillivray 

Janice & Robert McKemie 

Catherine McLoud 

Greg McMillan 

Bill & Anne McNair, CCM *

Tony McNeill 

Beth Mears 

Tom Meier 

Meghan Meloy Ness *

Thomas Merrill 

Brennan Michaels 

Gail Midkiff 

J. Scott Miller 

Kirk Miller 

Robert Miller 

Susan Millin Kraft 

Barrett Milner 

Patricia Milner 

Ray Mims 

Sandra Minter 

David Mitchell 

Kate Moore 

Russell Moore 

Barbara Moran-Faile 

Michael Morgan 

Phillip Morgan 

Suzanne Morrison 

Ella Mouw 

Laura Munn 

John & Ibbie Muntz 

Patrick Murphy 

Kristin Murray 

Joseph Musser 

Elizabeth Reed Myers * 

Lisa & Eric Myers, CCM ◊❦𖤓

Melissa Nasea 

Ngqibeko Peter Ncanywa 

John Neely 

Sandy & Ben Nesbit 

David Hufford & Randall Nicholls 

Robert Nicholls 

Kathryn Nichols 

Carole Jeanne Nicholson 

Laurinda Nicholson 

Tim Nolen 

Robert Norem 

Bernard Nti 

Mindy Douglas & Timothy O'Brien 

Janis O'Donnell 

Clay Oglesby 

Jennifer Olson 

Anne O'Neal 

Ellen Osborn

Caryn & Warren Overbey 

Charles Owings 

Randy Page 

Andrea Paine

Michelle Palladino 

Marilyn Panco 

Marion Panter 

Annie Pantoja 

Hazel Monteith & Burt Pardue * 

Steve Parker 

Kathryn Parkins 

Elizabeth Parler *

David & Sarah Partington 

NeTorrian Patton *

Paul Penn 

Jane Penner 

Allen Perry 

Derek Perry *

John Perry 

Rebecca Perry 

Janet Pesavento 

Alexander Peters 

Tricia Petraven 

Wilberta Pickett, CCM

Bruce Pickle 

Vangie Poe 

Elizabeth Porter 

Mary Ellen & Howard Porter 

Ruth Poscich 

Ellen & Daniel Potts 

Heather Powers 

Laura Price *

Brad Collier * & Justin Pritchard * 

Carol Pye 

Sam Query 

Heath Rada 

Becky Ramsey 

Marianne Ratcliffe 

Lissa Ray 

Lois Reese 

Thomas Reid 

Kay & Timothy Reinhold 

Colleen Brooke Rice 

Kathryn Rice 

H. Cecil Rigby Jr 

Jeanne Robb *

Donald Rogers, CCM

Pat Rowlett 

Julia Royall 

Karrie & Matt Rushing 

Betty Salmond 

Alice Sanders 

Phyllis Weaks Sanders 

Paul Sanner 

Kathy & Ken Sanvidge 

Laura Sasser 

Gayle Sawyer 

Edward Schell 

Elaine Schroeder 

James & Dariel Sellers 

Phyllis & George Setzer 

Cary Shealy 

Randall Sheets 

Leslee Shell 

Thomas Shirley 

Clark Simmons 

Matthew Simmons 

Paul Sims 

Terri Sinclair 

Gerald & Johanna Singer 

Doris Slagle 

Carolyn Smith 

Jordan Smith 

Sandra Smith 

Wil Smith * 

Roland Smith Jr. 

Ray Smithee 

Lee Smoot 

Patricia Snyder 

Steven Paul Spears 

Richard Stanley

Ralph Stannard

John Stender 

Whitni Cayce Stratemeyer 

Linda Streeter 

Ann Strong * 

Laureen Suba 

Alvin & Alice Sudduth 

René Summerlin 

Ann Sursa Carney 

Keri Sutter 

Barbara & David Swan 

Jon Sywassink 

Kathy Tallent *

Brian Tanaka *

David Taylor 

William Taylor 

Rebecca te Velde 

Marian Thomas 

Anita Thompson 

Brenton Thompson 

James Threlkeld 

Erin Tolar 

Ed Tompkins 

Kathy Toole 

Janet Tordolino 

Michelle Trefren 

Sylvia Trimmier 

Martha Trussell 

William Turk 

Yvonne Vance 

Brent Ivey & David VanderMeer, CCM *◊𖤓

Eric Vandermeyden 

Jane Ann VanValkenburg, CCM

MaryKate Vellis 

Anne Vercheski 

Margaret Viser 

Kimberly Vitray 

Barbara Votrobeck 

Alice Walker 

William Walker 

Eric Wall 

Wei-Nung Wang 

Lynn Ward 

Michael Waschevski *

Sharon Watkins 

Rachel Watson 

Edward Weaver 

Becky Weese 

Lucas Weiss 

James Wells 

Barbara Wells, CCM

Noel Werner 

Jesse West 

Terri Wetherell 

Joyce Whittaker 

Tina & Thomas Wilcox 

Oralie Wilhite 

Anthony Williams 

Candace Williams 

Lynne Williams 

Parks Williams *

Anne & Trey Wills 

Anne Wilson 

Cynthia Wilson 

Michael Wilson 

Sharon Witherell 

Robin Wohlfeil 

Chi Yi Chen Wolbrink 

Janet Wolfe 

Ellen Womack 

D. Ann Wood 

William Wood 

Joan Wooten 

John Wright 

Deborah Burks & John Wurster 

James Yao 

Kristin Young 

Will Young, CCM

Matthew Zabiegala 

Doug Zabor 

Karl & Laura Zinsmeister*


The Presbyterian Association of Musicians believes that formative and collaborative experiences with God and neighbor nurture relationships and create community.


PAM is a national organization of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for people who are involved in the areas of worship, music, and the arts.




100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202

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