PAM maintains five permanent funds. Each supports a specific faculty position at the annual Worship & Music Conference or provides scholarships to attendees.
Erik Routley Memorial Fund
Funds the Routley Lecturer in Congregational Song faculty position at the Worship & Music Conference
For twenty years, the theologian Erik Routley participated in worship and music conferences as a lecturer and worship and hymn festival leader. He authored nearly 40 books and a myriad of sermons and articles, as well as hymn tunes and texts. Routley’s message was frequently the theology of music and the music of theology. He also insisted that ministers and musicians were artists and must work together to promote the gospel. Routley served churches in England and Scotland before moving to Princeton, New Jersey, in 1975 to teach liturgy, church history, and hymnology at Westminster Choir College. He worked closely with the Presbyterian Association of Musicians at Montreat and other Presbyterian conference centers throughout the United States. Dr. Routley is the most significant hymnologist of the twentieth century and his conclusions are still the benchmark in the discussion of music in worship.

Davis Flohr Memorial Fund
Funds the Middler Choral Director faculty position at the Worship & Music Conference
The Davis Flohr Memorial Middler Choral Director Fund was established in 2020 through a gift from First Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC. Davis Flohr rang handbells and sang in FPC’s choir. He looked forward each year to attending the Worship & Music Conference with his youth group until he passed away in 2019.

Dana Mitchell Memorial Fund
Funds the Conference Administrator faculty position at the Worship & Music Conference
Dana Mitchell served as the Worship & Music Conference Administrator for nearly thirty years. She was a PAM honorary lifetime member and a Worship & Music Conference Director. She had a way of making everyone feel special with her smile and warm embrace until she passed away February 21, 2021.

Robert E. Stigall & Ann H. Stigall Funds
The Robert E. Stigall Fund supports one or more faculty positions at the Worship & Music Conference to address the musical needs of small churches.
The Ann H. Stigall Fund provides scholarships for conference registration and two-thirds of lodging and meals to adults from small churches.
Both funds were established with a gift from Dana Mitchell's estate. Robert E. Stigall faithfully served as the Director of Music at Myers Park Presbyterian Church for 38 years along with his loving wife, Ann H. Stigall. Robert co-chaired the music committee of the 1990 Presbyterian Hymnal and served as PAM President (1982-87) as well as Worship & Music Conference Director at Montreat, NC, and Albuquerque, NM. He and Ann were awarded PAM honorary lifetime memberships.