For Your Shelves:
A Liturgical Resource List from PAM
A Wee Worship Book 5 (ed. John Bell and Graham Maule, 2015)
This liturgy book comes from the Wild Goose Resource Group, a division of the Iona Community in Scotland. The fifth in a series of Wee Worship Book editions, this book includes six full liturgies for morning prayer and evening prayer, a Communion liturgy, and an appendix with contemporary affirmations of faith and sung responses from the Iona Community. The texts within these liturgy sets are easily extractable for use in Lord’s Day worship and represent the brevity and arresting imagery characteristic of Iona’s liturgical language.
All Desires Known (Janet Morley, 2006)
This ecumenical resource, a classic text in the feminist liturgical canon, includes prayers and liturgies that both attend to the diverse experiences of women and are grounded in biblical and liturgical imagery and language. The book includes lectionary-based collects, reimagined translations of canticles and liturgical texts, and litanies. The texts in this resource span the breadth of the liturgical year and are easily adaptable.
Celebrating Women (Hannah Ward, Jennifer Wild, & Janet Morley, 1995)
This feminist liturgical resource includes a variety of prayers, litanies, narratives, and poems that draw upon the wisdom of feminist theologies and women’s experiences. The book includes texts that are appropriate for any time during the liturgical year, and of particular note are the set of creative retellings of biblical passages from the perspective of the women whose voices are not attended to within the biblical text.
Cole Arthur Riley, Blackliturgist.com,
Instagram @blackliturgies, Facebook @blackliturgist
A project seeking to integrate concepts of dignity, lament, rage, justice, rest, and liberation with the practice of written prayer. Cole Arthur Riley currently serves as the Content and Spiritual Formation Manager for a center for Christian studies at Cornell University called Chesterton House. In her work, she produces and curates content to guide others into deeper musings and embodiment of the faith.
Liturgies from Below: Praying with People at the Ends of the World (Claudio Carvalhaes, 2020)
Liturgies from Below is the culmination of a project organized by the Council for World Mission (CWM) during 2018-2019. Approximately 100 people from four continents worked with CWM, collaborating to create indigenous prayers and liturgies expressing their own contexts, for sharing with their communities and the rest of the world. The project was called “Re-Imagining Worship as Acts of Defiance and Alternatives in the Context of Empire”.
Gifts of Many Cultures (ed. Maren Tirabassi & Kathy Wonson Eddy, 1995)
This book of prayers, liturgies, readings, and art pieces includes resources from across global Christian traditions. Compiled and edited by United Church of Christ pastors Maren Tirabassi and Kathy Wonson Eddy, this resource offers a wealth of diverse materials that may assist worship planners in expanding their liturgical imagination and repertoire beyond that of the American mainline Protestant world.
A Sanctified Art, “Image Licensing Library” (launched 2020)
The leaders of the arts ministry collaborative A Sanctified Art have curated an image licensing library of their visual art pieces, inspired by and organized according to the Revised Common Lectionary. These downloadable images, priced at $15 per piece, are available for ministry use and come with an artist’s statement and Visio Divina guide. Within the context of corporate worship, these images might be used as bulletin cover art, as part of interactive prayer stations, or as pieces for art-based meditative practices.
Vanderbilt Divinity Library, “Art in the Christian Tradition”
Similar to the A Sanctified Art image library, the Vanderbilt Divinity Library lectionary web resource offers a lectionary-based image database with downloadable art images for each lectionary week. Vanderbilt’s library solely includes images in the public domain, so each image is free for ministry use with proper attribution.
Encounters with the Holy (Barbara Day Miller, 2010)
Encounters with the Holy is not a book of liturgical materials; rather, the book offers a guide for collaborative worship planning within the life of a worshiping community. Day Miller proposes a conversational model for worship planning in which a variety of community members are invited into the planning process, following a clear and flexible four-step pattern (planning, ordering, worshiping, reflecting). This book is accessible for those with any level of liturgical training and would function particularly well as a study piece for a worship planning team or worship committee whose members are interested in trying out a collaborative model of crafting worship services together.
The Worship Sourcebook, Second Edition (Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2013)
The Worship Sourcebook is a comprehensive book of liturgical texts for use in corporate worship, designed especially for worshiping communities in the Reformed family of traditions. The resource includes numerous calls to worship, prayers of confession, prayers of thanksgiving & intercession, sacramental liturgies, and other materials. This book also includes an extensive prologue with explanations for key movements of the liturgy, which may be particularly helpful for teams of lay leaders helping to craft corporate worship.