The Worship and Music conference is an intergenerational conference for children, youth, & adults, who serve as pastors, directors, instrumentalists, ringers, worship leaders, choir members, or anyone who loves to sing, play, learn, worship, and fellowship.

Why Worship & Music Conference?
"Soul stirring music."
"The ideas we discover here will transform my church's worship services. I love the new styles of music."
"Music. Worship. Bible study. "
"Worship. Worship. Worship."
"The variety of offerings (interest sessions, classes).
I enjoyed seeing representation of the LGBT community. "
"It was very inspiring singing with such a large group of Christians."
"Watching my grandchildren enjoy and benefit from this experience."
"Attended this conference, only missing twice, since 1989 and found PAM to adjust to important shifts in this conference while continuing the thread of wonderful church music and worship for us all. Bravo. "