Have questions? Need help finding your classes? Watch for directional signs at major foot-traffic points and volunteers in bright yellow vests. They will answer your questions and point you in the right direction.
Morning and Evening Prayer.
Morning Prayer 7:30 AM Assembly Inn Balcony
In the event of rain, check the Daily Notes and plan to meet in the Assembly Inn Lobby.
Evening Prayer will be offered in the Moore Center and will begin 15 minutes after the Talent Show concludes.
Communion. Today we celebrate the Eucharist by intinction. The communion servers will hand the piece of bread to the recipient who will dip their piece of bread into the cup. Communion servers will use hand sanitizer prior to serving, and you are encouraged to do the same.
Bread that is free of gluten, milk, peanuts, fish, crustacean shellfish, soy, tree nuts, and wheat will be offered at each station. Wafers free of gluten, wheat, dairy, nuts, egg, soy, and corn will be available at a single station at the front of the auditorium. A limited number of pre-packaged gluten-free communion elements are available at the front lake side of the Auditorium near the allergen-free station.
Communion Servers. Please remember to check in with Elizabeth Myers at 10:50 AM.
Talent Show. All are invited to attend the Talent Show tonight at 7:30 PM in Anderson Auditorium. This event is sponsored by PCUSA Special Offerings, who will host an ice cream reception afterward. Make sure that you visit their booth at the Exhibit Hall in Anderson Auditorium Lobby! Participants, please arrive by 7:15 PM
Reading Session: Senior High Choir. 3:30 PM today in Convocation Hall. Senior High Choir reading packets will be available for purchase in the Beethoven & Company store located in the Allen building for those who did not register for the Senior High Choir Reading Session.
PAM Certification. If you are interested in pursuing PAM Certification and would like to meet with a Certification Committee member this week, please contact Lisa Myers at lisa.myers@pcusa.org.
Communion Server Training. If you are signed up to be a communion server during FRIDAY worship, the training session is TODAY at 5:30 PM in Anderson Auditorium.
Reading Session: Handbells. 6:30 PM today in Upper Anderson. Handbell packets, or individual handbell pieces, will be available for purchase after the Reading Session at the Jeffers Handbell Store.

PAM Member and Donor Reception. The annual Beer and Hymns Member and Donor Reception will be held tonight after the Talent Show at the White Horse Black Mountain Music Hall (105 Montreat Rd, Black Mountain, NC 28711). We'll be joined by the wider Black Mountain community, so please wear your name tag as that will be how we'll be identified by White Horse Black Mountain Music Hall staff.
There are plenty of free parking options within easy walking distance of the venue. There are parking spaces adjacent to the building, free parking lots, and on-street parking all over town. The Presbyterian Church adjacent to the venue also allows use of their parking.
Chaperones. If you are registered as a chaperone, you are required to attend the classes listed on your daily schedule to actively assist with supervision of children and youth. Thank you for helping to keep our young ones safe!
Friends of Bill W. Today at 6:30 PM in Anderson Auditorium 4. This room can be accessed via the exterior stairs at the rear of Anderson Auditorium.
PAM Gear. You may notice PAM'bassadors rocking their PAM gear this week. We are excited to introduce the new site where you can order your very own PAM apparel, hats, and bags. Check out our online store here: