Morning and Evening Prayer.
Morning Prayer 7:30 AM Upper Porch, Belk Center
In the event of rain, check the Daily Notes and plan to meet in the Assembly Inn Lobby.
Evening Prayer will be in the Moore Center, beginning 15 minutes after tonight’s post-concert Sponsors’ Dessert Reception concludes.
Exhibit Hall. Please visit the conference sponsors in the lobby of Anderson Auditorium. They are here to support you and the important ministry you do in your churches. Exhibitors will be available to connect with you at their booths as follows:
Thursday 9:30 – 11:00 AM & 6:30 – 8:30 PM, Friday 9:30 – 11:00 AM & 6:30 – 9:30 PM, as well as this evening at the dessert reception directly following the Chamber Concert.
Giving Thanks. Thanks to your donations yesterday, we were able to raise $2,256.75 for the Scholarship Fund!
Conversation about a New Confession. Did you know that the PC(USA) has appointed a committee to write a new confession of faith to be added to our Book of Confessions? Our preacher this week, Martha Moore-Keish—as well as next year’s preacher, Margaret Aymer—are on the writing committee. If you want to hear more about the process and offer your input, come join Martha for a conversation at 4:30 this afternoon on the porch of the Belk Center.
Children and Middlers. Today's worship service will include participation from our Children and Middlers. Children will perform the song "When God is For Me." Middlers will perform a dramatic reading of Psalm 128.
Reading Session: Middler Choir. 3:30 PM in Convocation Hall. Middler Choir reading packets will be available for purchase in the Beethoven & Company store located in the Allen building for those who did not register for the Middler Choir Reading Session.
Chamber Concert. The Chamber Concert will take place tonight at 7:30 PM in the Anderson Auditorium.
Sponsors' Dessert Reception. This evening in the Exhibit Hall (Anderson Auditorium Lobby) immediately following the Chamber Concert. Connect with conference sponsors and enjoy some sweet treats! Our sponsors are integral to this conference, and they are here to support you and the important ministry you do in your churches!
Youth Evening Activity. Open Mic Night (with ice cream!) in the Walkup immediately following the Chamber Concert.
Concert By the Lake. Join your friends and fellow conferees at 6:30 PM, immediately before the Chamber Concert, for this Montreat tradition featuring instrumentalists playing on the porch of the Assembly Inn. Pick a spot on the bridge or the lawn and be dazzled!
Conference Sponsor Information Sessions. Our conference sponsors will offer 50-minute interest sessions today as follows:
1:30 PM Scotus Tours in Convocation Hall 1 (CH-1)
4:30 PM St. James Music Press in the Convocation Hall (CH)
4:30 PM Inside Europe in Convocation Hall 1 (CH-1)
4:30 PM Disability Ministry Network in Walkup (WU)
Friday Conference Sponsor Information Session. NEXT Church will offer a 50-minute session on Friday at 3:30 PM in Assembly Inn 1 (A-I1).
Friday Concert Mic Check and Rehearsal. Each group featured in the Friday evening Closing Concert will have a brief mic check and rehearsal in Anderson Auditorium on Friday afternoon.
1:30 – 1:55 Middler Choir (the remainder of class will take place in Upper Anderson)
2:00 – 2:25 Children’s Choir (Children’s 1:30 classes release at 1:55)
2:30 – 2:55 Adult Choir
3:00 – 3:25 Senior High Choir (report to Upper Anderson at 2:30)
3:30 – 3:55 10:00 AM Intermediate Handbells
4:00 – 4:25 3:30 PM Intermediate Handbells
4:30 – 4:55 1:30 PM Advanced Handbells
2025 Conference Lodging. It is not too early to reserve your lodging for the 2025 Worship & Music Conference. The following options are now open for reservations:
Montreat College (email Megan Golden at
Greybeard Rentals (email Mandi Pike at
William Black Lodge will begin accepting reservations in mid-August. Montreat Conference Center will begin accepting reservations on September 1st.
PAM Gear. You may notice PAM'bassadors rocking their PAM gear this week. We are excited to introduce the new site where you can order your very own PAM apparel, hats, and bags. Check out our online store here: