Conference App.
You do not want to miss announcements, class and schedule changes, or information about pop up events! The best place to find all of these things is the Yapp app. Download Yapp from Google Play or the Apple Store. Use the conference id WM24 to access the conference.
Morning and Evening Prayer.
Morning Prayer Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM
Monday – At the falls beside the Moore Center Classroom
Tuesday – Assembly Inn Balcony
Wednesday – Assembly Inn Lobby
Thursday – Upper Porch, Belk Center
Friday – Front parking lot at Anderson Auditorium
In the event of rain, check the Daily Notes and plan to meet in the Assembly Inn Lobby.
Evening Prayer will be offered each day beginning 15 minutes after that evening’s event.
Monday – Thursday - Moore Center
Friday – Materials are provided for self-led Evening Prayer online utilizing this QR code.
Individuals or groups who wish to utilize on-demand digital materials for evening worship may do so with this QR code.

Opening Worship. TODAY at 7:30 PM in Anderson Auditorium. Don't forget your conference book! Church groups may have designated seating.
Chaperones for Children, Middlers, and Senior Highs. This conference would not be possible without your participation – THANK YOU! If you are registered as a chaperone, you are required to attend the classes listed on your daily schedule to actively assist with supervision of children and youth.
Communion Server Training. TUESDAY servers must attend training TODAY at 4:30 PM in Anderson Auditorium. Friday servers will attend training on Tuesday at 5:30 PM.
Auditions. Today from 2:00 – 5:00 PM and following worship until 9:30 PM
Youth Talent Show: Walkup
Adult Chamber Choir: Convocation Hall
Senior High Chamber Choir: Assembly Inn 1 (to the right of the registration desk)
Instrumental Interviews: Assembly Inn Room 218
Auditioned Advanced Handbells: Way Out Building A
Audition Results. Will be posted at, on the Yapp App, and on the sliding doors to Assembly Inn by 7:00 AM on Monday.
Chamber Choir Participants. Must purchase a music packet prior to the first rehearsal on Monday at 8 AM. Adult and Senior High packets will ONLY be available in Convocation Hall at 7:15 AM.
All Handbell Participants. Please purchase your music in the Jeffers Store, located in the Way Out Building, before the first rehearsal. Participants are responsible for bringing gloves and a folder.
Exhibit Hall. Please visit the conference sponsors in the lobby of Anderson Auditorium. They are here to support you and the important ministry you do in your churches. Exhibitors will be available to connect with you at their booths as follows:
Thursday 9:30 – 11:00 AM & 6:30 – 8:30 PM, Friday 9:30 – 11:00 AM & 6:30 – 9:30 PM, as well as Thursday evening at the dessert reception directly following the Chamber Concert.
Daily Notes. Conference announcements will be available each morning online and in your email. Visit each day to make sure that you stay in-the-know!
PAM Gear. You may notice PAM'bassadors rocking their PAM gear this week. We are excited to introduce the new site where you can order your very own PAM apparel, hats, and bags. Check out our online store here: