Have questions? Need help finding your classes? Watch for directional signs at major foot-traffic points and volunteers in bright yellow vests. They will answer your questions and point you in the right direction.
Conference App. The Yapp app will be used for announcements, class and schedule changes, and information about pop up events! Download Yapp from Google Play or the Apple Store and use the conference id WM24 to access the conference.
Audition Results. The audition results for the adult and senior high chamber choirs, advanced handbell ensemble, and talent show will be available by 7:00 AM today on the sliding doors to Assembly Inn, through the Yapp app, or on our website at presbymusic.org/audition.
Talent Show Participants. All participants must attend a mandatory tech check today at 5:20 PM in Anderson Auditorium.
Document Library. Access to the 2024 Worship & Music Conference Document Library is available online here. The webpage password will be emailed to all registered adults.
10:00 AM Interest Session Cancelled. This morning's Interest Session: Presbyterian Worship in a New Key presented by Chris Clay has been cancelled.
Morning and Evening Prayer.
Morning Prayer 7:30 AM at the falls beside the Moore Center Classroom.
In the event of rain, check the Daily Notes and plan to meet in the Assembly Inn Lobby.
Evening Prayer will be offered in the Moore Center and will begin 15 minutes after that evening’s event. This link may be used to access resources for Evening Prayer online.
Chamber Choirs - Adult and Senior High. Participants must purchase a music packet prior to the first rehearsal, scheduled for Monday at 8 AM. Adult and Senior High packets will ONLY be available in Convocation Hall at 7:15 AM.
All Handbell Participants. Please purchase your music in the Jeffers Store before the first rehearsal. Participants are responsible for bringing gloves and a folder. The Jeffers Store is in the Way Out building and will be open today from 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM.
Reading Session: Children’s Choir. 3:30 PM today in Convocation Hall. Those who did not register for this session may purchase music from the Beethoven & Company store.
Small Group Locations. Middler and Senior High Small Group meeting rooms are: Assembly Inn 2, 251, 303, and 334. Small Group assignments can be found inside the packet you received during registration.
Exhibit Hall. Please visit the conference sponsors in the lobby of Anderson Auditorium. They are here to support you and the important ministry you do in your churches. Exhibitors will be available to connect with you at their booths as follows:
Monday and Tuesday, 9:30 – 11:00 AM & 6:30 – 8:30 PM, and TONIGHT during the dessert reception.
Conference Sponsor Information Sessions. Our conference sponsors will offer 50-minute interest sessions today as follows:
1:30 PM Scotus Tours in Convocation Hall 1 (CH-1)
4:30 PM St. James Music Press in the Convocation Hall (CH)
4:30 PM Inside Europe in Convocation Hall 1 (CH-1)
4:30 PM Disability Ministry Network in Walkup (WU)
Organ Recital. Tonight at 7:30 PM in Anderson Auditorium.
Sponsors' Dessert Reception. Tonight in the Exhibit Hall (Anderson Auditorium Lobby). Connect with conference sponsors and enjoy some sweet treats after the Organ Recital! Our sponsors are integral to this conference, and they are here to support you and the important ministry you do in your churches!
Youth Evening Activity. Middler and Senior High conferees are invited to join in tonight’s evening activity in the Barn. The fun will start 15 minutes after the Organ Recital.
Chaperones. If you are registered as a chaperone, you are required to attend the classes listed on your daily schedule to actively assist with supervision of children and youth. Thank you for helping to keep our young ones safe!
Late Check-In. If you still need to register, check-in, or pick up conference materials, please visit the PAM office located in the Allen Building, lower level. The office opens at 7:30 AM today.
Region Gatherings. Regions are a great way to connect with PAM members throughout the year. Learn more about PAM's Regions here. The following Regions are hosting gatherings Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM:
Great Lakes (Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Cincinnati Presbytery): Belk Center Lower Porch
Mid-Atlantic (North Carolina, Virginia [except National Capital Presbytery], Shenandoah Presbytery): Walkup
Mid-South (Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee): Belk Center Upper Porch
North Central (Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin): Convocation Hall 1
South Atlantic & Puerto Rico (South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Puerto Rico): Assembly Inn Porch
South Central (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas): Assembly Inn 1
Rocky Mountain (Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming) & Southern Pacific (California, Nevada): Way Out Porch
First Time Attendees. For those who are joining us at the Worship & Music Conference for the first time: we are so glad to have you here! There are several rows of pews reserved for first time attendees and solo attendees at the back of the section closest to the stage, on the creek side of Anderson Auditorium. Should you have questions about the conference, or where to find your classes, do not be afraid to ask. We are proud of the culture of openness and camaraderie at Worship & Music where conferees help one another.
PAM Gear. You may notice PAM'bassadors rocking their PAM gear this week. We are excited to introduce the new site where you can order your very own PAM apparel, hats, and bags. Check out our online store here: