COVID-19 Protocols

Conference Information & FAQs
Conference Dates
Week 1: June 16 – 21, 2024
Week 2: June 23 – 28, 2024
Opening and Closing
The conference begins with opening worship Sunday at 7:30 pm. The last event of the conference is the Friday evening concert at 7:30 pm.
For the full conference schedule, click here.
Individual and Group Rates
Registration Category Early* On-Time** Late***
Adult - PAM Member $340 $390 $440
Adult - Non-Member $520 $570 $620
Children and Youth $290 $340 $390
Chaperone $50 $50 $50
Supporting Adult (church group drivers, cooks, etc.) $50 $50 $50
* Early Registration: December 5 - January 31
** On-Time Registration: February 1 - April 30
*** Late Registration: After April 30
Conference Scholarships
PAM provides scholarships to conference registrants with financial need. The scholarship application deadline for first consideration is December 1, 2023 with award notifications being made by December 20, 2023. After that, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted. To apply, please complete and submit a Conference Scholarship Application.
Conference Policies
For assistance with: payments, Institutional Memberships, registration form issues/errors, switching the week of your registration, or cancellations, please reach out to:
Cancellation/Refund Policy
All but $50 of registration fee may be refunded up to April 30th. As of May 1st, no refunds will be issued without a doctor's note or unforeseen circumstances prevent PAM and Montreat Conference Center from hosting the conference. All cancellation requests must be in writing and received via email ( or U.S. Mail (Presbyterian Association of Musicians, 404 BNA Dr. Suite 650, Nashville, TN 37217). Payments by check will be refunded after the conclusion of the conferences (by July 31st).
Requests for refunds of lodging, food, or other fees are subject to policies of the organizations with which these arrangements have been made. See the 2024 Registration FAQs for more information.
Conference Information
Conference Check-In
Each conference participant must complete the check-in process in Upper Anderson, located inside Anderson Auditorium at 303 Lookout Rd., Montreat, NC 28757, upon arrival at Montreat.
Check-in hours are Sunday, 2:00 - 5:00 pm, and following the opening worship service until 9:30 pm. You may also check in on Monday beginning at 7:30 am in the PAM Worship & Music Office (Allen Building, lower level).
One choral music packet per registered participant will be distributed upon check-in.
During conference check-in, all registered handbell players should visit the handbell clinicians to review each choir’s repertoire and sign up for a position.
Choral packets for Adult and Senior High Chamber Choirs must be purchased on-site from Beethoven & Company in Convocation Hall Monday morning before the first rehearsal at 8:00 am.
Handbell Packets must be purchased on-site at the Jeffers Handbell Supply Store.
Class Size Limits
All classes are assigned size limits based on rooms and class content. The earlier you register, the more flexibility you will have in choosing classes and times.
The conference registration fee does NOT include meals and lodging. Reservations for lodging are NOT made through the PAM National Office and must be arranged by the participant. Housing options are available through Montreat Conference Center and private rentals in Montreat and the surrounding area.
Guests staying in Montreat Conference Center housing are able to purchase meals for the Galax Dining Room in Assembly Inn. Guests who are not staying in Montreat Conference Center housing will be able to purchase meals for the Galax Dining Room beginning April 9th. Only a limited number of meal tickets for the Galax Dining Room will be made available on April 9th, and when those are sold, no more meals will be made available. Conference participants will not be able to walk up and purchase meals at Galax Dining Room during the conference.
The Huckleberry will be open for both weeks of the Worship & Music Conference. Check the Montreat Conference Center Dining website frequently to be updated on the Huckleberry's Summer hours.
Adult and Senior High Chamber Choirs, Youth Talent Show, and Advanced Auditioned Handbells are auditioned activities. Auditions will be held Sunday from 2:00 - 5:00 pm and following the opening worship service until 9:30 pm. Conferees will be invited to sign up for an audition time for Adult Chamber Choir, Senior High Chamber Choir, or Advanced Auditioned Handbells. The sign-ups will be emailed to adults, senior highs, and chaperones with the pre-conference information.
Instrumental Ensembles
Instrumental Ensembles meet throughout the day during the conference. Interviews will be held Sunday from 2:00 - 5:00 pm and following the opening worship service until 9:30 pm. The purpose of the interview is to determine ensemble placement and best fit with your daily schedule. Location information for interviews will be posted in Upper Anderson at check-in.
Medical Insurance
Neither PAM nor the Montreat Conference Center carries medical insurance on conferees.
Children and Youth
All classes and choirs for children and youth are grouped according to the grade levels participants have completed.
Senior High: Completed ninth through completed twelfth grade
Middler: Completed sixth through completed eighth grade
Children: Completed third through completed fifth grade
Children and Youth Chaperones
Please review the Chaperone FAQs.
Middler & Senior High Small Groups
In an effort to form better relationships among all of the youth at the conference, youth will gather in small groups daily. Small group sessions will be led by Small Group Leaders (SGLs) who will guide conversations and lead small group activities centered around Scripture heard in worship. There will be separate groups for middler and senior high youth. Review the Small Group FAQs for more information.
Small Group Leaders
If you are 21 or older and interested in applying to be a Small Group Leader (SGL), please submit an online application. If you originally registered to serve as a Chaperone and are selected as an SGL, then PAM will waive the Chaperone Fee ($50) and provide one discounted youth or child conference registration. (Note: SGLs will lead one senior high small group and one middler small group each day and are still expected to serve as a chaperone in addition to the SGL duties.)
Children Not Registered for the Conference - Montreat Conference Center Childcare, Clubs, and Evening Childcare. Children younger than completed 3rd graders may not register for the conference. Those who need childcare must register here prior to arriving in Montreat. If you are having difficulty registering online, contact the Clubs Registrar at or call 828.419.9837. Registrations for Evening Childcare must be made by Tuesday before the conference begins (June 11th for week 1 and June 18th for week 2).
Youth Talent Show (Tuesday Evening)
Participants must audition for the youth talent show. Auditions are held Sunday from 2:00 - 5:00pm and following opening worship until 9:30pm. Talent Show acts are limited to three minutes in length. No more than three acts from any one church may audition. Participants chosen for the Talent Show MUST attend the mandatory tech check rehearsal in Anderson Auditorium on Monday evening. Participants not chosen for the Talent Show may perform at Open Mic on Thursday evening. Each group or solo act must supply their own accompanist.
Morning and Evening Prayer
Morning prayer will begin at 7:30 am, Monday – Friday, and evening prayer will begin 15 minutes after the end of evening events, Monday - Thursday. We invite you to begin and end each day with prayer, scripture, and song in services intentionally designed to mirror the practices of smaller worshipping communities.
Worship and Evening Events
These daily events are free and open to the public.
Conference T-shirts
Conference t-shirts are $20 for registrants. Adults sizes are S-3XL. Children sizes are XXS-XL. Deadline to purchase is April 30, 2024. T-shirts will be picked up during on-site check-in.
Continuing Education Units
C.E.U.s may be arranged by obtaining a form from the PAM Conference Office (Allen Building, lower level). Check with your school system prior to the conference for any pre-approval requirements. A $10 processing fee is required to be paid when the completed form is turned in.
Registration FAQs
How often do the classes meet?
Unless otherwise stated, all classes on the schedule meet Monday through Friday for 50-minutes. One-time 50-minute submission-based Interest Sessions led by PAM members on 16 varied topics will be held Monday-Thursday at 10am and 4:30pm.
Am I required to register for a class for each hour of the day?
Absolutely not! Depending on the type of person you are, you may want to register for 7 hours of classes each day, but remember, this conference is 5 days long. Our prayer for you is to be refreshed and renewed when you return home, not exhausted. So please do what is best for you to ensure you have a full, but Sabbath-full week at Montreat. We find most registrants average 5 hours of classes daily.
Are adults required to attend both daily adult choir rehearsals?
If you plan to sing in the Adult Choir, yes. If not, no.
Are there required classes for children and youth?
Yes! All required classes will conclude by 3:20 pm daily.
Senior High - Sr. High Choir and Small Groups. This age may also choose up to 4 electives.
Middler - Middler Choir and Small Groups. This age may also choose up to 4 electives.
Children –Choir, Bible Study, Drama, and Fun and Games. Children will be assigned classes by the Conference Administrator. The team will work to keep children from the same family, church, youth group, etc. together throughout the day. Groups larger than 8 may be placed into two groups. This age may also choose to participate in Meet the King of Instruments or Beginning Ukulele at 3:30 pm.
Do I need to register for instrumental ensembles?
No. But, when you register, please indicate that you plan to participate in the ensembles. During conference check-in, you will need to meet with the Instrumental Ensembles Director, Mark Britt, to determine your ensemble placement. Mark will work with you and the needs of the conference to ensure you are placed with the appropriate group. Music is provided!
Do I need to register for the Adult or Senior High Chamber Choir or Auditioned Advanced Handbells?
No, these are audition-based ensembles. The directors will host auditions during on-site check-in. Results will be posted by 6 am on Monday. If you are selected for Adult or Senior High Chamber Choir, you will attend those rehearsals twice daily (8 am & 4:30 pm for Adult and 8 am & 1:30 pm for Senior High), rather than the classes for which you originally registered. If you are selected for Auditioned Advanced Handbells, you will attend rehearsal (9am daily), rather than the class for which you originally registered. Music for these ensembles must be purchased on-site at Beethoven & Company (chamber choirs) and Jeffers Handbell Supply (handbells) prior to the first rehearsal on Monday morning.
NOTE: If you are 18-20 years of age, you are invited to audition for the Senior High Chamber Choir OR the Adult Chamber Choir, but not both.
May I register for more than one handbell class?
To ensure all conferees may register for a handbell class, all registrants are limited to two classes. However, during on-site check-in you may register for available slots in any of the handbell classes.
My child, spouse, etc. does not have an email address. How can I register this person?
Children, Middlers, Senior Highs, Chaperones, and Supporting Adults (church group drivers, cooks, etc.) registering in a family or with a church group do NOT require an email address as long as they are being registered by a group leader with an email address. All Adult participants registering individually must have a unique, valid email address to register for the conference.
How do I register a group from my church? Can I add registrants to my group after I’ve already registered?
Check back in December for step-by-step instructions for registering your group.
Do I need to register “extra” adults that I bring with our group to the conference? (ie, cooks, drivers, etc.)
You have the option to register extra adults – adults who come with a group solely to function as cooks, drivers, etc. – as a Supporting Adult (church group drivers, cooks, etc.) during the registration process. The cost for a Supporting Adult (church group drivers, cooks, etc.) is $50.
When coordinating your group, keep in mind that PAM requires a 1:6 adult to child/youth ratio in all its conference offerings. To ensure the safety of all children and youth, groups are required to register one chaperone for every six children they register.
Chaperones will have the opportunity to register for a specific age group: Children, Middler, or Senior High. Children’s chaperones will choose to attend morning or afternoon classes. Middler and Senior High chaperones will choose to chaperone two classes, one evening event, and they will be assigned a small group. Registered Chaperones are expected to fully participate in the classes or events they sign up to chaperone.
Are there options for children who are not old enough to participate in the Worship & Music Conference?
Children younger than completed 3rd graders may not register for the conference. However, Montreat's regular daytime childcare and recreation programs - Montreat Clubs - are available by pre-registration for children ages six months through high school. Childcare and Clubs fees are payable to Montreat Conference Center. Evening childcare is available at an additional charge. Registration is required for childcare, and space is limited. You must register at least 30 days in advance of the conference to guarantee enrollment in the program. To register for childcare, go to or call 828-419-9837 after March 1st.
Chaperone FAQs
How many Adults must I register as Chaperones?
If your church is bringing a group of youth/children, you must register one chaperone for every six children/youth registered. Chaperones must be 21 years of age or older. The church registering the chaperone(s) assumes all responsibility for the behavior and actions of that chaperone. Churches are responsible for conducting appropriate background checks on individuals serving as chaperones. PAM will not be held responsible for the actions or inactions of chaperones.
Do I need to register “extra” adults that I bring with our group to the conference? (ie, cooks, drivers, etc.)
You have the option to register extra adults – adults who come with a group solely to function as cooks, drivers, etc. – as a Supporting Adult (church group drivers, cooks, etc.) during the registration process. The cost for a Supporting Adult (church group drivers, cooks, etc.) is $50.
When coordinating your group, keep in mind that PAM requires a 1:6 adult to child/youth ratio in all its conference offerings. To ensure the safety of all children and youth, groups are required to register one chaperone for every six children they register.
During registration, will Chaperones need to select classes?
Yes, Chaperones will have the opportunity to register for a specific age group: Children, Middler, or Senior High. Children’s chaperones will choose to attend morning or afternoon classes. Middler and Senior High chaperones will choose to chaperone morning or afternoon classes, one evening event, and will be assigned a small group. Registered Chaperones are expected to fully participate in the classes or events they select to chaperone.
Will Chaperones of Middlers and Senior Highs be in a small group with youth from their church group?
Youth are intentionally assigned to small groups so that there are not two individuals from each back-home group in the same small group. Therefore, it is likely that Chaperones will be assigned to a small group with some youth from their church group, but not all. We ask that you trust the process of small group placement - it works! Year after year, strangers on Monday morning have become life-long friends by week’s end. There will be no fewer than 3-4 adults in each small group. All Small Group Leaders have undergone background checks.
Will Chaperones of Middlers and Senior Highs be in classes with youth from their church group?
It is likely that Chaperones will chaperone classes with youth from their church group. Because Chaperones are able to select which classes they would like to chaperone, it depends on whether or not there are youth from the chaperone’s church group attending the same class.
Will there be a training for Chaperones?
Yes, there will be a Zoom meeting in early June for all registered Chaperones to learn more about the expectations and schedules.
May I sit in on additional children/youth classes?
Of course! As a registered Chaperone, you are welcome to chaperone in more than the classes you are assigned to chaperone.
What if I am bringing my own children, grandchildren, etc. and do not meet the 1:6 ratio?
You are not required to provide a chaperone. However, you are responsible for getting your children/youth to/from classes throughout the day.
What if I am bringing a church group made up of adults, youth, and children conference participants? Do I have to bring more adults to serve as Chaperones?
PAM requires a 1:6 adult to child/youth ratio in all its conference offerings. To ensure the safety of all children and youth, groups are required to register one Chaperone for every six children they register. These chaperones will go to classes and activities with the children and youth.
May Chaperones serve as Small Group Leaders?
Yes! Small Group Leaders (SGLs) provide critical guidance to the Middler and Senior High small groups at the conference. SGLs receive a FREE Chaperone registration and one discounted child or youth conference registration, but they also expend lots of time and energy. The required Zoom SGL training will be held in June prior to the start of the conference. You are expected to serve as a Chaperone in addition to your SGL duties. Apply to be a Small Group Leader here.
Small Group FAQs
Why small groups?
Youth attend the Worship & Music Conferences with their choirs, their youth groups, their churches, their families, and so on. Some youth may know many youth from their own church, while other youth may know very few. The idea for Small Groups is to provide an opportunity to make new friends and form better relationships among all youth.
How does it work?
Youth will be placed in small groups with no more than 25 youth per small group.
Middler and Senior High registrants will have separate small groups. Small groups will explore fellowship, Scripture study, discussion, and creativity.
Who will lead the small groups?
Each small group will be led by one Small Group Leader (SGL). Small Group Leaders are 21 years of age or older. Selected Small Group Leaders will receive a free registration.
Small Group Leaders must:
Attend Zoom SGL training in June prior to the start of the conference
Attend daily conference worship
Pass a background and reference check
Attend daily SGL meetings Monday-Thursday
Lead two daily small groups (one Middler and one Senior High)
Chaperones are required to attend small group as part of their chaperone duties. They will assist SGLs with discussions and activities.
How do I apply to serve as an SGL?
You may apply by filling out the form here. In gratitude for your time and talents, PAM will waive the Chaperone registration fee and provide one discounted child or youth conference registration. You are still expected to serve as a Chaperone in addition to your SGL duties.
Will there be required background checks on SGLs?
Yes, all SGLs are required to undergo a background check and reference check.
Will materials be provided to SGLs to lead the small group discussions and activities?
Yes, small group materials for middler and senior high small groups will be coordinated by the Small Group Facilitator, who will also assemble the small groups, communicate with the SGLs, and lead daily SGL meetings. The small group manual will be distributed via email to SGLs no later than May 15th. SGLs will be responsible for printing copies of the manual for themselves or providing an appropriate device (for instance, a tablet) from which they can lead a small group.
Will SGLs receive training prior to the start of the conference?
Yes, the Zoom SGL training will be in June prior to the start of the conference. There will also be daily SGL meetings Monday-Thursday.
What color is the 2024 conference shirt?
Banana. Yes, Banana!
Does my Conference Registration include a shirt?
No, unfortunately your registration does not come with a shirt.
What does it cost?
What brand are they?
Comfort Colors!
What are the sizes?
Adult sizes are S-3XL. Children's sizes are XXS-XL. If you're purchasing t-shirts for children and youth, we've provided a helpful conversion chart below.
What will the children's shirt look like?
Same design, but the color of the children's shirt is Butter. Yes, Butter!
Children & Youth Shirt Size Conversion Chart:
